Dissolution of marriage (or divorce) is a court procedure to end the marriage, provide for legal decision making, support, parenting time, division of community property and debts, and in some cases, spousal maintenance (or alimony). Throughout this document, the words “dissolution” and “divorce” may be intermingled and construed to mean the same.
Either you or your spouse must live in Arizona or have been stationed in Arizona while a member of the Armed Forces for at least 90 days before you can file for a divorce or legal separation.
You may request that the Court waive or defer payment of the filing or response fees. Forms must be completed and signed by you and submitted to the Court.
No reasons or "grounds" are required to get a divorce in Arizona other than one spouse’s belief that the marriage is irretrievably broken and cannot continue. If either spouse believes the marriage can be saved and is not irretrievably broken, he or she can ask for free marriage counseling through conciliation services.
One spouse, called the Petitioner, files a request or a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (along with several other required papers) with the Clerk of Court and pays the filing fee. The other spouse, called the Respondent, is served with the Petition and other papers. If the Respondent does not agree with what the Petitioner has requested in the Petition, the Respondent must file a Response no later than 20 days (30 days if out of state) after he or she was served with the papers. However, if the Respondent agrees with everything contained in the Petition, then a Response is not necessary.
"Community Property" is all property acquired during the marriage through the efforts of either spouse. Usually, the community property is divided equally. It does not matter that one spouse contributed more than the other. The court may, in rare cases, give one spouse more than one-half because the other has destroyed, sold, or given away community property. Further, if one spouse had property prior to the marriage, but that property has increased in value during the course of the marriage due to the efforts of either or both of the spouses, then the increase in value could be deemed community property and divided between the parties. The court may divide property by ordering it to be sold, or by splitting it between the parties.
The Court cannot divide "Separate Property". Separate property consists of items owned before the marriage or received as an inheritance or gift during the marriage and kept separate during the marriage. If real estate starts as separate property but then is put in joint ownership, the law presumes that each party owns fifty percent. However, if separate property is put in a joint bank account, the Court will look to the source of the money, as opposed to the title on the account.
Debt incurred during the marriage is presumed to be community debt. Generally, the Court divides debt equally. Debt incurred by a spouse before the marriage remains the separate debt of that spouse.
Yes, a creditor can collect a marital debt from either spouse regardless of which spouse is ordered to pay the debt by the Court. The innocent spouse then has the right to recover from the obligated spouse, unless he or she files bankruptcy.
If the parents cannot agree on legal decision making of the children, the Court will make the decision according to "the best interests of the children," taking into account many factors including where the child has been living, the child’s wishes and the mental health of the parents. The Court will not prefer a parent solely because he or she is male or female. The Court may seek the assistance of social workers and other professional persons. There is no legal presumption that sole legal decision making legal decision making or joint legal decision making is preferable. Regardless of the type of legal decision making arrangement ordered, both parents are entitled to have equal access to medical, school and other records of the child unless this would put the child or the other parent in danger.
Joint legal decision making can mean joint legal legal decision making or joint physical legal decision making or both. Joint legal legal decision making means that both parents make legal decisions and neither parent’s rights are superior. Joint physical legal decision making means that the parents, in a manner that assures the child has substantially equal contact with both parents, share the physical residence of the child. There is no presumption in favor of sole or joint legal decision making. The Court may order joint legal decision making if both parents agree and submit a written parenting plan and the Court finds it in the best interests of the child. If the parents do not agree, the Court may still order joint legal decision making if it determines that joint legal decision making is in the child’s best interests. Joint legal decision making will not be awarded if the Court finds there has been significant domestic violence.
Yes. If there are children involved, each party must attend a court-approved parenting education program educating the parties about the impacts of dissolution and how they affect the minor children. A non-participating spouse may not be able to obtain any court relief in the dissolution process without completing the program.
It is the duty of both parents to support their minor children. Usually, the noncustodial parent is ordered to pay child support. If the parents have equal time with the child and equal income, neither will be ordered to pay child support. Child support MUST be paid before any other debts. The amount of child support that will be ordered by the Court is based on child support guidelines.
Yes, but only if you or your former spouse can show the Court that there is a "substantial and continuing" change in circumstances. "Substantial and continuing" change in circumstances may include the obligation of either parent to support other children, additional unexpected medical or educational expenses required for one or more of the children, either a substantial raise or cut in the salary or other regular income of either parent, and/or substantial increased costs in caring for the children if the child support amount was set several years ago when the children were infants or toddlers. The support may also be changed if one of the children being supported reaches eighteen and graduates from high school or if one of the children’s legal decision making changes to the other parent.
All changes of child support amounts must be in writing, signed by both parents and approved by the Court. A Parent’s Worksheet on Child Support Amount must be completed and submitted with the change in support. The agreed upon support amount must substantially comply with the Arizona Child Support Guidelines or, if different from those Guidelines, the Court must find that the deviation is in the best interests of the child.
Generally, only after a child is adopted, emancipated, reaches the age of 18 years, or dies do the parent’s duty to pay child support end. In addition, if a child reaches the age of majority while attending high school or a certified high school equivalency program, support continues during the period in which the child is actually attending high school or the equivalency program.
No, child support orders do not stop until ordered by the Court. If the parents can agree to change the child support, the agreement must be in writing, signed by both parents and approved by the Court. Your verbal or written agreement, if not approved by the Court, will not necessarily end the obligation to pay for that child. If there is a dispute, it is the responsibility of the paying parent to prove that payments have been made. If the parents cannot agree, then the parent who wants to stop the support payments must file a petition or motion to modify the Decree and request a hearing.
Support for a child must be paid until the child is 18 years old, graduates from high school, becomes emancipated, or dies. If the child will be 18 during the school year, then support will continue until the end of that school year, or whenever the child graduates from high school, even if beyond the 18th birthday.
If the child is disabled, child support may continue by order of the Court after the child is 18 years old.
If both parents reside in this state, at least 60 days advanced written notice must be provided by the parent with physical legal decision making to the other parent before the child may be removed from the state or more than 100 miles from the other parent. The non-moving parent can request a hearing to stop the move. A parent who has joint legal legal decision making and joint physical legal decision making who is required to relocate in less than 60 days after written notice, may do so ONLY if both parents agree or there is a court order.
For the court to change legal decision making from one parent to another, you must first show that there has been a "substantial and continuing change in circumstances" that has affected the child since the last legal decision making order was entered. Second, you must show that changing legal decision making is in the "best interests" of your child. A petition for change of legal decision making will not be accepted unless at least one year has passed since the last legal decision making order was entered except where the child is in danger. If, however, joint legal decision making was ordered and the one parent has failed to comply with the terms of the order, you may file a petition for change of legal decision making after six months have passed since the last legal decision making order was entered. The Court reviews the petition and the response and then decides whether to reopen the case and have a legal decision making hearing.
You can request a hearing to enforce parenting time. A "conference officer" will meet with the parents, evaluate the problem and make recommendations to the Court if the parents are not able to resolve the parenting time problem with his or her help. The Court can sanction a violator by awarding attorney’s fees, makeup parenting time, ordering counseling and imposing fines.
An assignment of wages is now required for the payment of child support and in some cases for the payment of spousal maintenance (alimony). An assignment requires an employer (either a person or company) of a parent obligated by court order to pay a certain amount of child support to withhold that amount from the wages or money owed to the parent (employee) and to send that amount directly to the Clerk of Court. This type of assignment applies to salary, wages, commissions and any type of payments received by the parent ordered to pay support. Either the person required to pay support or the person entitled to receive it can request an assignment order. The law prohibits employers from firing or punishing an employee just because that person has a wage assignment.
Spousal maintenance (alimony) may be awarded in one of five situations:
(1) a spouse lacks sufficient property to meet his or her reasonable needs;
(2) a spouse can’t support him/herself by employment or must stay home with a young child;
(3) a spouse supported his or her spouses’ education;
(4) the marriage was long and a spouse has little chance of employment; or
(5) Person lacks earning ability in the labor market adequate to support him/herself.
The Court considers the length of the marriage, each party’s age, health, and employment, the standard of living established during the marriage and other factors in deciding the amount and duration of spousal maintenance.
Unless each spouse specifically agrees in writing that the alimony will continue after remarriage of the receiving spouse, the alimony will end. Remarriage of the paying spouse will not end his or her obligation.
Conciliation Services is a separate branch of the Court developed to assist couples in resolving marital problems and disputes over children without involving trials, lawyers, and judges.
Yes. You can get counseling even after a petition for dissolution of marriage or legal separation has been filed.
All conciliation services are complimentary from the Courts.
Domestic violence is considered contrary to the best interests of the child. The spouse who has committed acts of domestic violence has the burden of proving that his or her continued contact will not endanger the child. Similarly, a conviction of any drug offense or certain alcohol-related driving offenses within 12 months of a request for legal decision making will create a rebuttal presumption that sole or joint legal decision making by the convicted person is contrary to the child’s best interests.
Prior to filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, a city Court Judge or Justice of the Peace can issue an Order of Protection to prevent your spouse from harming you or the children. If a Petition for Dissolution has already been filed, then the Order of Protection must come from the Superior Court. In addition to requiring the person to stay away from you, the Court may order this person to attend counseling to prevent further violence. When the Court decides the issue of legal decision making, the Court will consider any evidence of spousal abuse.
When a Petition for Dissolution or Petition for Legal Separation is filed a Preliminary Injunction is automatically issued against both spouses. This order prohibits both spouses from harassing or disturbing each other, in addition to other restrictions concerning property and children.
Your divorce or dissolution of marriage is final after the judge or commissioner signs the Decree.
A Decree of Dissolution of Marriage is the final order of the Court which makes each party a single person again and includes separate orders concerning legal decision making and parenting time, child support, division of property and debts, spousal maintenance and any other appropriate orders. A Decree of Dissolution is a court order and can be enforced just like any other order of the Court. For example, there may be civil and/or criminal penalties for the spouse who does not follow the orders included in the Decree. The Decree is an important document and should be kept in a safe place.
You must wait a minimum of 60 days from the date your spouse was served with or accepts service of the Petition for Dissolution and other papers to go to court for your default hearing. If your spouse filed a Response, then there may have to be a trial.
You and your spouse may file a Stipulation or written agreement to finalize the divorce. If you do enter into a Stipulation, both filing fees and response fees must first be paid to the Clerk of Court. A Judge or commissioner must approve the Stipulation and other documents. Your final papers will be returned to you by first class mail from the Court.

A former spouse cannot avoid paying court ordered child support or spousal maintenance. The Court has the discretion to attribute income to a spouse who voluntarily reduces his or her income. A non-paying spouse is subject to collection remedies such as wage assignment, garnishment, and contempt.
No, you cannot avoid paying child support whether current, future or past due support, by filing bankruptcy.